IAB GPP - TCF Canada API Test page
Note: The CMP on this page does not save your choices! It refreshing the page will display the consent layer again. This is a demo page to test the GPP API against. You can use your browser console to execute custom commands.
Need a CMP? Try www.consentmanager.net !
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__gpp('hasSection', null, 'tcfeuv2')
__gpp('hasSection', null, 'tcfca')
__gpp('hasSection', null, 'usnat')
__gpp('getSection', null, 'tcfeuv2')
__gpp('getSection', null, 'tcfca')
__gpp('getSection', null, 'usnat')
__gpp('getField', null, 'tcfeuv2.Version')
__gpp('getField', null, 'tcfca.Version')
__gpp('getField', null, 'usnat.Version')
__gpp('getField', null, 'tcfeuv2.VendorConsent')
__gpp('getField', null, 'tcfca.VendorExpressConsent')
__gpp('getField', null, 'usnat.SharingNotice')
__gpp('getField', null, 'usnat.SaleOptOut')
__gpp('getField', null, 'usnat.SensitiveDataProcessing')
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